Public Works Department
Public Works Department
Public Works Department

Go's - Bridge

Report Type : Bridge

Sr. No.District NameHead LineDepartment NameOrder No. and Order DateScheme NameWork NameAttachments
1 LUCKNOW Regarding amendment of principles PW Section -1 संख्या-1991 / तेईस-1 -2008-81 सा /08 / 01 Jul 2008 Amendment in the guidelines guidelines issued regarding the renaming of routes and bridges in the name of a person by the Public Works Department's mandate number-303 / twenty-two-95 -98/94 dated 03.02.95 Amendment in the guidelines guidelines issued regarding the renaming of routes and bridges in the name of a person by the Public Works Department's mandate number-303 / twenty-two-95 -98/94 dated 03.02.95 संख्या-1991 / तेईस-1 -2008-81 सा /08 [153 KB] Language :English
2 LUCKNOW Regarding naming of routes and bridges in the name of a particular person PW Section-2 संख्या-303 /23-2-95-98/94 / 03 Feb 1995 Determination of guiding principles regarding the naming of roads and bridges of the Public Works Department in the name of a particular person Determination of guiding principles regarding the naming of roads and bridges of the Public Works Department in the name of a particular person संख्या-303 /23-2-95-98/94 [249 KB] Language :Hindi