Public Works Department
Public Works Department
Public Works Department

Circular Details - Misc

Report Type : Misc

Sr No.Circular No.Circular SubjectCircular Date
1 7660EA/2EA/2011 [116 KB] Language : Hindi Regarding division of work among the engineers of Public Works Department. 05/12/2019
2 Compilation of various important circulars / orders (September-2016 to 21 August-2018) [10 MB] Language : Hindi Compilation of various important circulars / orders (September-2016 to 21 August-2018) 21/12/2018
3 5488EA/28EA/Member/14-17 [546 KB] Language : Hindi Regarding compliance of orders issued for video conferencing of the Government 21/08/2018
4 187 Camp/ Chief Eng.(HQ-1)/18 [145 KB] Language : Hindi Regarding amendment in the cell constituted for the action taken by the UPPWD on the cases of other departments 12/07/2018
5 176 Camp/ Chief Eng.(HQ-1)/18 [658 KB] Language : Hindi Regarding creation of an e-mail ID for Video Conferencing 05/07/2018
6 43Camp/Mu.Abhi(Mu.-1)/17(M.S.B.) [4 MB] Language : Hindi Minutes of the meeting concluded under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Dy.Chief Minister and PWD Minister on 10/04/17 16/04/2017
7 125Camp -E-in-C(Dev.) /01 सर्कुलर /17 [1 MB] Language : Hindi Regarding keeping the office clean and tidy. 03/04/2017
8 53Camp-E-in-C(Dev.) /03(HQ-1)/17 [57 KB] Language : Hindi Regarding arrangements of female toilet in various Divisions / Circles / Zonal offices of Public Works Department 03/02/2017
9 350 MT/ 60 MT /2017 [588 KB] Language : Hindi To control the prevention of air pollution. 17/01/2017
10 340 /बी०डी०डी०-1 (एन एच)/40 एमटी-11 /2016 [4 MB] Language : Hindi Minutes of meeting of high level technical committee on 15.06.2016. 23/06/2016
Displaying 1 - 10 of 23123