Public Works Department
Public Works Department
Public Works Department

Circular Details - Financial

Report Type : Financial

Sr No.Circular No.Circular SubjectCircular Date
1 214 कैम्प -प्र०अ० विकास /03 (मु०-1)/16 [1 MB] Language : Hindi Provision to be made of road safety on each route. 11/05/2016
2 887 लेखा/ 03 लेखा/लेखा कार्य प्रणाली /13-14/15-लखनऊ [3 MB] Language : Hindi Information of monthly expense details and form ‘A’ and ‘B’ to be done according to specified program. 11/05/2016
3 44 लेखा (म०ले०)/37 लेखा/मासिक लेखा-माह -1-16/2016 [3 MB] Language : Hindi Regarding not mentioning V.L.C/P.W.D. code number on cheque issued by divisional offices. 05/05/2016